When you use a preferred lender at a new home community they are familiar with the builder, sales staff, policies and requirements. This allows for quick and accurate answers to your questions. A preferred lender will keep you up-to-date and provide a faster, less complicated loan process.
Using a preferred lender can save you money, too. Not only do they offer a full range of financing, competitive rates and expert mortgage counseling but may often extend special incentives to buyer who secure their loan with one of the preferred lenders. The community sales staff can put you in touch with the preferred lenders who will have the knowledge and expertise for your specific market area.
brasada estates preferred lenders
choe hung
Leader’s Council Member, Legends of Possible | Private Wealth Mortgage Banker | Builder Loan Specialist | NMLS ID 450736
U.S. Bank Home Mortgage | 790 E. Colorado Blvd. Suite 480, Pasadena, CA 91101
Cell: 626.506.0008 | eFax: 888.290.7999
emily luan
Leader’s Private Mortgage Banker | NMLS ID 711782
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage | 350 W. Colorado Blvd.
2nd Floor, Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone: 626.667.4242 | Cell: 626.321.5756 | eFax: 866.735.7024